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Saturday, February 16, 2008

So How is your Weekend?

Mine has been kind of blah! It started Friday with a massive headache. Now just not feeling so hot today. Think I'm coming down with a sinus infection. YUCK!

I am hoping to get some scrapping done tonight. I already have the pp out and the title cut and the pics placed. Just need to put it all together with some fun embellishments. What have you worked on lately? What has inspired you? I got a new book put out by Memory Makers magazine and I looooooove it. It's called Scrapbooking Your Faith by Courtney Walsh. I wasn't just inspired by the layouts but by the words too. So many spiritual insights, it was humbling. I can't wait to work on more faith based layouts. I want to leave a solid, written view of my faith for my kids and future generations. I want them to know how Blessed I am to have a God who loves me and is my salvation. I think this book is one of my best scrapbook purchases EVA!
So what has inspired you this week?
So the layout is one from a few months ago. I love it though. Love the fancy pants paper and you know I love me some primas.
Love to to scrap!


Colleen said...

Wow! Totally love this layout! I've been getting inspired all over the place - a lot of it to do with challenges of one sort of another.

Take care of yourself!

Meghan said...

That layout is stunning.
You need to submit that!

I actually got inspired by some old paper that I had last night.

I just started throwing the stuff together & I am so glad I did.

My layouts (for a cj) are on my blog.

Nancywithajones said...

love this page just beautiful. I ahve all kinda projects due but cant show them yet :(

Maureen said...

Great layout